Clinical Trial: A Post-market Clinical Study to Evaluate the Safety and Performance of the Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polyetheretherketone Metatarso-Phalangeal (MTP) Plate (CoLink� PCR MTP Plate) for the Treatment of Hallux Rigidus

Study Status: RECRUITING
Recruit Status: RECRUITING

Official Title: A Prospective, Non-comparative, Multi-centre, Post-market Clinical Study to Evaluate the Safety and Performance of the Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polyetheretherketone Metatarso-Phalangeal (MTP) Plate (Co

Brief Summary:

The clinical study involves the routine treatment of skeletally mature patients who have been diagnosed with hallux rigidus (stiffness of the first metatarso-phalangeal joint in the foot due to arthritis and degeneration of cartilage).

It follows standard practice surgery to treat this condition.
This type of degenerative arthritis affects the joint of the big toe (hallux) which is attached to the foot.
Taking part in this research will involve collecting data of the surgery to remove damaged cartilage and fix the two bones together with screws and a plate (called the CoLink� PCR MTP Plate).