Clinical Trial: The Effect of Therapeutic Touch on Exam Anxiety

Study Status: RECRUITING
Recruit Status: RECRUITING

Official Title: The Effect of Therapeutic Touch Applied to Nursing Students on Exam Anxiety

Brief Summary:

Aim: This study was planned to determine the effect of therapeutic touch applied to nursing students on test anxiety.

Method: Students who met the inclusion criteria were divided into therapeutic touch and control groups using the randomization method.
After the groups were determined, the students filled out the Introductory Information Form and the State Exam Anxiety Scale.
30 minutes before the exam, therapeutic touch was applied to each of the students, who were divided into groups, for 20 minutes.
No application was made to the control group, and they were told to wait in the classroom where the group was waiting as they wished.Immediately after the application was completed, the scale was re-applied to both groups.