Clinical Trial: Treatment of the Osgood Schlatter

Study Status: Recruiting
Recruit Status: Recruiting
Study Type: Interventional

Official Title: Treatment of the Osgood Schlatter Disease by Immobilization ( Ankle Cruro Resin ) Versus Sporting Rest ( Reference Treatment ) : Randomized Controlled Study

Brief Summary:

The disease Osgood-Schlatter is most commonly found in sports teenager growing up apophysose accounting for 28.4% of osteochondrosis by Breck. It relates to 62% of osteochondrosis knee and affects adolescent girls between 10 and 12 and boys between 12 and 15 It is usually considered a benign pathology that cures in the majority of cases. However, in 5-10% of cases there is persistent residual pain in adulthood.

The classic complication is the avulsion fracture of the tibial tuberosity in adolescents who continued his sports without restriction.

The possible consequences are numerous including the presence of a free bone fragment at the insertion of the tendon originally described by Osgood the establishment of a genu recurvatum, a high kneecap or patella alta and an enlarged tibial tuberosity (ATT) annoying sport.

The main two treatments are complete rest from sport activity or cast immobilization.

The main objective is to compare these two technics according to the proportion of full sporting recovering at 12 months