Disease: Stage 4 prostate cancer


Stage 4 prostate cancer is cancer that begins in the prostate and grows to involve nearby organs or spreads to other areas of the body.

Stage 4 prostate cancer is an uncommon diagnosis. Most cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed at an earlier stage, when the cancer is confined to the prostate.

Treatments may slow or shrink an advanced prostate cancer, but for most men, stage 4 prostate cancer isn't curable. Still, treatments can extend your life and reduce the signs and symptoms of cancer.

Source: http://www.mayoclinic.com


Signs and symptoms of stage 4 prostate cancer may include:

  • Painful urination
  • Decreased force in the stream of urine
  • Blood in the semen
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Bone pain
  • Swelling in the legs
  • Fatigue
  • Frequent infections

When to see a doctor

Make an appointment with your doctor if you have any persistent signs or symptoms that worry you.

Source: http://www.mayoclinic.com


Doctors aren't certain what causes stage 4 prostate cancer.

Stage 4 prostate cancer occurs when a prostate cancer grows large enough to involve nearby organs, such as the bladder, or when cancer cells break away from the prostate and spread to other areas of the body.

Prostate cancer cells that spread beyond the prostate most often travel to the:

  • Lymph nodes
  • Bones
  • Liver

Source: http://www.mayoclinic.com


If your doctor suspects you may have prostate cancer, tests and procedures may include:

  • Imaging tests. Imaging tests may help your doctor understand the size and extent of your prostate cancer. Tests may include ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computerized tomography (CT) scan, positron emission tomography (PET) and bone scan.

    Which tests you undergo depends on your situation, such as whether you're experiencing signs and symptoms.

  • Biopsy. To confirm the diagnosis of prostate cancer, your doctor may recommend a biopsy procedure to remove a sample of suspicious cells for laboratory testing. In a lab, doctors can examine the cells and determine if they're cancerous.

Source: http://www.mayoclinic.com

Alternative medicine

No alternative medicine treatments have been proved to cure stage 4 prostate cancer. But complementary and alternative medicine may help you cope with symptoms of your cancer.

Prostate cancer often spreads to the bones, which can cause bone pain. Your doctor can offer treatments and medications to control the pain. But you may also find that complementary therapies can help relieve your pain when used in addition to treatments recommended by your doctor.

Complementary and alternative medicine treatments that may reduce cancer pain include:

  • Acupuncture
  • Acupressure
  • Hypnosis
  • Massage
  • Relaxation techniques

If your pain isn't adequately controlled, talk with your doctor about your options.

Source: http://www.mayoclinic.com

Coping and support

Learning you have stage 4 prostate cancer can be shocking and devastating. With time, each man figures out his own way to cope with the emotions he experiences, and you will find what works for you, too. Until then, you may find it helpful to:

  • Learn enough about stage 4 prostate cancer to make decisions about your care. Ask your doctor about your prostate cancer, including your treatment options and, if you like, your prognosis. As you learn more about advanced prostate cancer, you may become more confident in making treatment decisions.
  • Keep friends and family close. Keeping your close relationships strong will help you deal with your stage 4 prostate cancer. Friends and family can provide the practical support you'll need, such as helping take care of your home or your pets if you're in the hospital. And they can serve as emotional support when you feel overwhelmed by cancer.
  • Find someone to talk with. Find a good listener who is willing to listen to you talk about your hopes and fears. This may be a friend or family member. The concern and understanding of a counselor, medical social worker, clergy member or cancer support group also may be helpful.

    Ask your doctor about support groups in your area. Or check your phone book, library or a cancer organization, such as the National Cancer Institute or the American Cancer Society.

  • Look for a connection to something beyond yourself. Having a strong faith or a sense of something greater than oneself helps many people cope with cancer.

    Source: http://www.mayoclinic.com

    Risk factors

    Factors that may increase your risk of stage 4 prostate cancer include:

    • A family history of prostate cancer. Men with certain inherited gene mutations have an increased risk of more aggressive prostate cancers.
    • African-American race. Black men have an increased risk of aggressive prostate cancer.

    Source: http://www.mayoclinic.com

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