Symptom: Finger Injuries

Finger injuries are common and range from minor cuts and scrapes to wounds with major damage to bone, tendons, and ligaments. If not treated properly, serious finger injuries can lead to permanent deformity and loss of function. Careful treatment allows for a faster and more complete recovery. Many different types of finger injuries are common:A laceration (cut) may only go through skin, or it may cut through blood vessels, nerves, and tendons that lie just under the skin.An avulsion occurs when part of the skin or soft tissue is torn off.With an amputation, tissue is completely cut or torn away from the finger.Fingernail injuries
  • The fingernail and the underlying nail bed are the most commonly injured part of the hand.
  • If a fingernail is injured by a direct blow, the underlying bone may also be broken.
  • Fractures (broken finger bone)
  • Each finger (except the thumb) has three bones, or phalanges: the proximal (closest) phalanx (plural-phalanges), the middle phalanx, and the distal (furthest) phalanx.
  • A fracture of a phalanx may be an isolated injury, but it is often associated with injury to tendons, ligaments, fingernails, or other soft tissue.
  • Dislocation
  • A dislocation is an injury to a joint that causes a bone to move out of its normal alignment with another bone.
  • Finger dislocations commonly happen as a result of a direct blow to the finger (like while playing ball sports).
  • Usually a dislocation causes damage to the surrounding ligaments (ligaments hold bone to bone), which are stretched and remain damaged even after the dislocation is reduced (put back in place).
  • Ligament injuries (sprains)
  • Ligaments are the tough tissues that hold two bones together and stabilize a joint.
  • A ligament may be torn by a forceful stretch or blow, leaving the joint unstable and prone to further injury.
  • Tendon injuries
  • Tendons are the fibrous bands that attach muscles to bones and allow the flexible, precise movements of the joints.
  • Tendons lie just under the skin in the fingers and are covered by a protective sheath.
  • Both the tendon and its sheath can be damaged by a laceration (cut) or a crush injury.
  • A tendon can also be torn away from its bony attachment, which is called an avulsion fracture.
  • Nerve injuries
  • Sensation to the finger is supplied by four nerves, two (dorsal and volar digital nerves) running along each side of the finger.
  • Damaging the nerve can cause numbness on the side of the finger supplied by the nerve.


  • Finger injuries are common and range from minor cuts and scrapes to wounds with major damage to bone, tendons, and ligaments. If not treated properly, serious finger injuries can lead to permanent deformity and loss of function. Careful treatment allows for a faster and more complete recovery. Many different types of finger injuries are common:A laceration (cut) may only go through skin, or it may cut through blood vessels, nerves, and tendons that lie just under the skin.An avulsion occurs when part of the skin or soft tissue is torn off.With an amputation, tissue is completely cut or torn away from the finger.Fingernail injuries
    • The fingernail and the underlying nail bed are the most commonly injured part of the hand.
    • If a fingernail is injured by a direct blow, the underlying bone may also be broken.
    Fractures (broken finger bone)
    • Each finger (except the thumb) has three bones, or phalanges: the proximal (closest) phalanx (plural-phalanges), the middle phalanx, and the distal (furthest) phalanx.
    • A fracture of a phalanx may be an isolated injury, but it is often associated with injury to tendons, ligaments, fingernails, or other soft tissue.
    • A dislocation is an injury to a joint that causes a bone to move out of its normal alignment with another bone.
    • Finger dislocations commonly happen as a result of a direct blow to the finger (like while playing ball sports).
    • Usually a dislocation causes damage to the surrounding ligaments (ligaments hold bone to bone), which are stretched and remain damaged even after the dislocation is reduced (put back in place).
    Ligament injuries (sprains)
    • Ligaments are the tough tissues that hold two bones together and stabilize a joint.
    • A ligament may be torn by a forceful stretch or blow, leaving the joint unstable and prone to further injury.
    Tendon injuries
    • Tendons are the fibrous bands that attach muscles to bones and allow the flexible, precise movements of the joints.
    • Tendons lie just under the skin in the fingers and are covered by a protective sheath.
    • Both the tendon and its sheath can be damaged by a laceration (cut) or a crush injury.
    • A tendon can also be torn away from its bony attachment, which is called an avulsion fracture.
    Nerve injuries
    • Sensation to the finger is supplied by four nerves, two (dorsal and volar digital nerves) running along each side of the finger.
    • Damaging the nerve can cause numbness on the side of the finger supplied by the nerve.


    • Ligaments are the tough tissues that hold two bones together and stabilize a joint.
    • A ligament may be torn by a forceful stretch or blow, leaving the joint unstable and prone to further injury.
    Tendon injuries
    • Tendons are the fibrous bands that attach muscles to bones and allow the flexible, precise movements of the joints.
    • Tendons lie just under the skin in the fingers and are covered by a protective sheath.
    • Both the tendon and its sheath can be damaged by a laceration (cut) or a crush injury.
    • A tendon can also be torn away from its bony attachment, which is called an avulsion fracture.
    Nerve injuries
    • Sensation to the finger is supplied by four nerves, two (dorsal and volar digital nerves) running along each side of the finger.
    • Damaging the nerve can cause numbness on the side of the finger supplied by the nerve.


    Finger Infection Finger infections can be caused by a variety of bacteria and viruses. Types of finger infections include paronychia, felon, herpetic whitlow, cellulitis, infect...learn more >> Mallet Finger Mallet finger is an injury to the outermost joint of a finger. Causes of mallet finger include tendon damage, small, or large fractures. Symptoms of mallet fing...learn more >> See the Entire Finger Injuries Topic Guide » Patient Comments & Reviews The eMedicineHealth doctors ask about Finger Injuries: Finger Injuries - Causes What caused your finger injuries? 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    Welcome to WebHealthNetwork an online symptom search and symptom directory. Here you can find what is the symptom Finger Injuries and what does it mean, you can also check what illnesses and diseases this symptom relates to.