Symptom: Guttate Psoriasis

Guttate psoriasis is a type of psoriasis that appears as small, salmon-pink droplets on the skin. The word guttate is derived from the Latin word gutta, meaning drop. Usually there are fine scales atop the drop-like lesion.
Guttate psoriasis. Red drop-like lesions are found on the skin.
Image courtesy of Hon Pak, MD.
As in all types of psoriasis, guttate psoriasis, occurs in those with an inherited genetic predisposition and is not contagious. Guttate psoriasis usually occurs on the trunk, arms, or legs. However, it may involve extensive areas of skin.The trigger to the disease is often a streptococcal (bacterial) infection. The eruption of the lesions on the skin usually happens within two to three weeks of strep throat. The outbreak can go away and not reoccur. Outbreaks may also go away and come back, particularly if the person is a strep carrier (always carries streptococcal bacteria in his respiratory system).The sudden appearance of an outbreak may be the first psoriasis outbreak for some people. Alternatively, a person who has had plaque psoriasis for a long time may suddenly have an episode of guttate psoriasis. This type of psoriasis can also be chronic and can be triggered by infections other than those from streptococcal bacteria. For example, the chickenpox or colds can trigger the psoriasis.Who gets guttate psoriasis?The guttate form of psoriasis is relatively uncommon. Fewer than 2% of those with psoriasis have the guttate type. Guttate psoriasis is more common in children and adults younger than 30 years of age. Boys and girls are equally affected.


Guttate psoriasis is a type of psoriasis that appears as small, salmon-pink droplets on the skin. The word guttate is derived from the Latin word gutta, meaning drop. Usually there are fine scales atop the drop-like lesion.
Guttate psoriasis. Red drop-like lesions are found on the skin.
Image courtesy of Hon Pak, MD.
As in all types of psoriasis, guttate psoriasis, occurs in those with an inherited genetic predisposition and is not contagious. Guttate psoriasis usually occurs on the trunk, arms, or legs. However, it may involve extensive areas of skin.The trigger to the disease is often a streptococcal (bacterial) infection. The eruption of the lesions on the skin usually happens within two to three weeks of strep throat. The outbreak can go away and not reoccur. Outbreaks may also go away and come back, particularly if the person is a strep carrier (always carries streptococcal bacteria in his respiratory system).The sudden appearance of an outbreak may be the first psoriasis outbreak for some people. Alternatively, a person who has had plaque psoriasis for a long time may suddenly have an episode of guttate psoriasis. This type of psoriasis can also be chronic and can be triggered by infections other than those from streptococcal bacteria. For example, the chickenpox or colds can trigger the psoriasis.Who gets guttate psoriasis?The guttate form of psoriasis is relatively uncommon. Fewer than 2% of those with psoriasis have the guttate type. Guttate psoriasis is more common in children and adults younger than 30 years of age. Boys and girls are equally affected.


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Share Your Story Guttate Psoriasis - Symptoms What were the symptoms of your guttate psoriasis? 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Read What Your Physician is Reading on Medscape Psoriasis, Guttate »Guttate psoriasis refers to a distinctive, acute clinical presentation of an eruption characterized by small, droplike, 1-10 mm in diameter, salmon-pink papules, usually with a fine scale Read More on Medscape Reference »
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Guttate psoriasis is a type of psoriasis that appears as small, salmon-pink droplets on the skin. The word guttate is derived from the Latin word gutta, meaning drop. Usually there are fine scales atop the drop-like lesion.
Guttate psoriasis. Red drop-like lesions are found on the skin.
Image courtesy of Hon Pak, MD.
As in all types of psoriasis, guttate psoriasis, occurs in those with an inherited genetic predisposition and is not contagious. Guttate psoriasis usually occurs on the trunk, arms, or legs. However, it may involve extensive areas of skin.The trigger to the disease is often a streptococcal (bacterial) infection. The eruption of the lesions on the skin usually happens within two to three weeks of strep throat. The outbreak can go away and not reoccur. Outbreaks may also go away and come back, particularly if the person is a strep carrier (always carries streptococcal bacteria in his respiratory system).The sudden appearance of an outbreak may be the first psoriasis outbreak for some people. Alternatively, a person who has had plaque psoriasis for a long time may suddenly have an episode of guttate psoriasis. This type of psoriasis can also be chronic and can be triggered by infections other than those from streptococcal bacteria. For example, the chickenpox or colds can trigger the psoriasis.Who gets guttate psoriasis?The guttate form of psoriasis is relatively uncommon. Fewer than 2% of those with psoriasis have the guttate type. Guttate psoriasis is more common in children and adults younger than 30 years of age. Boys and girls are equally affected.


Signs and Symptoms

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