Clinical Trial: Prospective Data Collection on Clinical, Radiological and Patient Reported Outcomes After Pleural Intervention

Study Status: RECRUITING
Recruit Status: RECRUITING

Official Title: Prospective Data Collection on Clinical, Radiological and Patient Reported Outcomes After Pleural Intervention

Brief Summary: The PROSPECT study aims to look at the number of problems or side effects which occur after patients have had a procedure completed to remove fluid or air from the space between the lung and the chest wall.
Other information will also be collected to see whether anything else affects which patients have problems after the procedure such as bleeding or infection.
This study will also investigate whether it is possible to find out which patients are likely to feel a lot better after the procedure.
Not all patients feel significantly better but it is not clear why this is.
There are a number of different reasons patients may not feel better, for example if the lung is not able to fully re-expand.
The study aims to look at whether it is possible to predict these problems before the procedure using ultrasound.
If it is possible to find the answers to some of these questions it might be possible to prevent patients undergoing treatments which are not likely to benefit them.
The study will use information already collected as part of clinical care, as well as questionnaires from patients receiving care at a variety of centres.
The different features of these centres will also be considered in analysis.