Clinical Trial: Financial Support in an Underserved and Low-Income Population With Heart Failure

Study Status: RECRUITING
Recruit Status: RECRUITING

Official Title: Financial Support in an Underserved and Low-Income Population With Heart Failure

Brief Summary:

The goal of this clinical trial is to test whether financial support in the form of a one-time $500 stipend would improve medication adherence and quality of life in low-income, socially-needy patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction in the post-discharge setting.
The main questions it aims to answer are:

  • Will financial support improve medication adherence?
  • Will financial support improve heart failure quality of life?

Participants will complete surveys on quality of life, social stress, and spending habits at their baseline visit.
Participants will be randomly assigned to receive $500 at their baseline visit or $0 at their baseline visit.
At their one month visit, medication adherence and quality of life will be assessed.
These results will be compared between groups.
The group that received $0 at their baseline visit will be provided $500 at their one-month visit and return for a two-month visit.
At that visit, medication adherence and quality of life will be assessed.
These results will be compared to their one-month results.

Researchers will compare the 1-month medication adherence and quality of life scores between the immediate financial support vs delayed financial support.
Researchers will also compare 1-month vs 2-month adherence and quality of life data for participants who were randomized to the delayed financial support group.