Clinical Trial: Fibulink Syndesmosis Repair System With Early Full-Weight Bearing

Study Status: RECRUITING
Recruit Status: RECRUITING

Official Title: Evaluation of Safety and Performance Outcomes of the Fibulink Syndesmosis Repair System With Early Full-Weight Bearing

Brief Summary: The purpose of the study is to evaluate the ability of the Fibulink Syndesmosis Repair System to maintain reduction of the ankle syndesmosis.
Appropriate reduction of the syndesmosis is critical due the changes in tibiotalar contact pressure observed in cadaveric studies.6,7
Malreduction and instability of the distal tibiotalar joint can lead to chronic instability, increased articular damage and ultimately degenerative arthritis.7,8
Medial to lateral translation of distal tibia and fibula of 2 mm or more has been considered pathologic.9
Earlier biomechanical study demonstrated the Fibulink system is superior in maintaining displacement of less than 2 mm.4
Given the improved strength, we also look to evaluate the outcomes of initiating full weight bearing (100%) with Controlled Ankle Motion (CAM) boot at 4 weeks postoperatively.
One of the big limitations for trans-osseous screw fixation is delayed weight bearing due to risk of screw breakage.1 Suture button technique allowed for early weight bearing with average of 6 weeks postoperatively using TightRope.2,10-12By
initiating full weight bearing (100%) with CAM boot at 4 weeks postoperatively, this would be a significant improvement in current clinical practice.