Clinical Trial: Novel Amblyopia Treatment With Virtual Reality Games

Study Status: RECRUITING
Recruit Status: RECRUITING

Official Title: Novel Amblyopia Treatment With Dichoptic, Disparity-guided, Hand-Eye Coordination Enhanced, Serious, Virtual Reality Games

Brief Summary:

The goal of this study is to compare the change in amblyopic eye acuity between treatment periods in children with amblyopia, aged 5-17 years.
The main question it aims to answer is:

Is a 16-week course of amblyopia treatment using Vivid Vision Therapeutic (Dichoptic) Virtual Reality Games for approx.
25 min/day, 6 days/week more effective for improvement in amblyopic-eye VA, binocularity (stereoacuity, suppression, alignment), contrast sensitivity, attention, oculomotor function, visual-motor integration, and quality of life than 16 weeks of continued glasses alone?

Participants will each serve as their own control and complete:

Treatment period 1: Continued optical correction (glasses) alone for 16 weeks; Treatment period 2: Vivid Vision Therapeutic (Dichoptic) Virtual Reality Games for 16 weeks (approx.
25min/day, 6 days/week) plus continued optical correction