Clinical Trial: Associations Between the Microbiome, Skeletal Muscle Perfusion, and Fitness Status

Study Status: RECRUITING
Recruit Status: RECRUITING

Official Title: Associations Between the Microbiome, Skeletal Muscle Perfusion, and Fitness Status

Brief Summary:

The purpose of the study is to determine associations between fitness status, bacteria in the mouth, and the blood flow to muscle.
This study is trying to find out if fitness status impacts the bacteria that are present in the oral microbiome (environment in the mouth) or the ability of the body to send blood to the skeletal muscle.

Participants will complete all or some of the following:

  • A mouth swab to assess the bacteria in their mouths.
  • Produce a saliva sample into a tube.
  • Cycle on a bike until you reach maximum effort.
  • Undergo blood draws
  • Wear a 24-hour non-invasive device that monitors blood pressure.
  • Undergo a test to assess blood flow to the muscles measured with an ultrasound.
  • Drink 70mL (1/3 of a cup) of concentrated beetroot juice once