Clinical Trial: Dystonia Genotype-Phenotype Correlation

Study Status: RECRUITING
Recruit Status: RECRUITING

Official Title: Dystonia Genotype-Phenotype Correlation: A Study to Identify Additional Genetic Associations That Contribute to Specific Dystonic Phenotypes

Brief Summary: The purpose of this study is to (1) investigate the effect of known dystonia-causing mutations on brain structure and function, to (2) identify structural brain changes that differ between clinical phenotypes of dystonia, and to (3) collect DNA, detailed family history, and clinical phenotypes from patients with idiopathic dystonia with the goal of identifying new dystonia-related genes.
Investigators will be recruiting both healthy control subjects and subjects with any form of dystonia.
For this study there will be a maximum of two study visit involving a clinical assessment, collection of medical and family history, task training session, an MRI using the learned tasks, and finally a blood draw for genetic analysis.
In total, these visits will take 3-5 hours.
If the dystonia subjects receive botulinum toxin injections for treatment, the participants and their matched controls will be asked to come for a second visit.