Clinical Trial: Motherhood With MOtor Impairment Due to MAlady (Rare Disease)

Study Status: Recruiting
Recruit Status: Recruiting
Study Type: Observational

Official Title: Parenthood and Motherhood in Women With Motor Impairment and Disability Related to a Rare Disease

Brief Summary:

Background Women with rare diseases resulting in motor disabilities wishing to become mother face a major challenge. The investigators hypothesize that provided with adequate support, they are able to achieve a successful pregnancy and to offer their child a safe family environment.

Methods To test this hypothesis, the investigators shall conduct a prospective observational prospective survey of a consecutive series of volunteer pregnant women or mothers of children less than 14 months, with motor impairment, participating in a program of parenting support developed in our institution.

Primary outcome: social environment, child development, mother-infant attachment, mother- infant interactions Secondary outcome: social and demographic characteristics, severity of motor impairment, associated impairment, perinatal morbidity for the mother and the infant (composite indicator), emotional status, and the needs expressed by women regarding the level of medical or social care.

Analysis The investigators shall describe the distribution of the primary outcome measurements in the subgroup of women with motor impairment related to a rare disease. The investigators shall compare this distribution to the expected distribution in the general population, and to that observed in women with motor impairment unrelated to a rare disease. The investigators shall also study primary outcome measurements as a function of the severity of maternal disability, of the mother's social characteristics and emotional status.

The investigators shall also describe the distribution the distribution of perinatal morbidity globally, and as a function of the potential explanatory variables mentioned above.
